Announcement of Mediation Services – Sarah L. Schreiber

As an attorney at HallerColvin PC, Sarah L. Schreiber has a well-established state and federal civil litigation practice. Recognized for her expertise, several colleagues have recently encouraged Sarah to expand her practice to include mediation services for employment litigation, labor relations, property tax disputes, and other civil matters. And, she is doing just that.

Sarah is excited to announce that she will begin offering her services as a registered civil mediator starting August 1st. She brings a unique perspective to mediation, having represented both employers and employees extensively in her employment litigation practice as well as both companies and individuals in various contract disputes, amoung many other complex civil matters.

While she is flexible as to the mediation venue, HallerColvin can comfortably accommodate most mediations. Sarah will also conduct mediations via Zoom, if the parties prefer that platform over an in person meeting.

To learn more or schedule a mediation, please contact Sarah at or (260) 426-0444, or reach out to her legal assistant, Brittnie Teeple, at or (260) 399-1558. Sarah looks forward to helping your clients resolve their important differences efficiently and effectively.